This is achieved by teaching you how to build a harmonious relationship between your mind and emotional responses.
In other words, by training you in emotional intelligence skills.
This is achieved by teaching you how to build a harmonious relationship between your mind and emotional responses.
In other words, by training you in emotional intelligence skills.
It also helps you understand the hidden meaning of what is happening to you and how to turn life’s difficulties into stepping stones for spiritual development. In other words, by helping you further develop your spiritual intelligence.
For 29 consecutive days, you will receive 29 different assignments for self-observation and reflection on your experiences during the day. Along with these, I will provide additional readings in order to support your understanding of the psychological theory behind the assignment.
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Posted by Espirited on Tuesday, 28 June 2022
“Опусът се състои от три части: самопознание, търпение и действие. Психологията е необходима само в първата част, но във...
Posted by Espirited on Sunday, 18 December 2022
“Reflexio означава “огъване назад” и, използван психологически, терминът ще отбележи факта, че рефлексът, който движи...
Posted by The 29 Days Program on Saturday, 4 February 2023
“От една страна, емоцията е алхимичен огън, чиято топлина води до раждане на всичко и чиято горещина изгаря излишествата...
Posted by Espirited on Thursday, 19 January 2023
"Грехът, за който трябва да се покаем, разбира се е несъзнателността." Юнг Но какво означава, че първородният грях на...
Posted by Espirited on Wednesday, 20 July 2022