About the author

You can read more about my professional biography and working method on my personal page theheartof.espirited.com

My name is Kameliya Hadzhiyska

And I am a psychologist and psychotherapist with over 30 years of professional experience. I am also the creator of espirited.com, which is a website dedicated to the relationship between mental health and spiritual development. This website captures the essence of my work as a psychotherapist – my strong interest in matters of the soul and its care.


I believe that psychology, as the science of the human soul, has been assigned the unique role of acting as an intermediary between abstract spiritual ideas and their embodiment in everyday life. This stems from the duality of living in the matter. If this duality is not taken into account and an individual approach is not applied to each person, in his specific situation, even the most exalted spiritual values become a source of psychic shadow and lead to the appearance of their opposite.


In this regard, the role of psychology is indispensable – it serves as a means of applied spirituality. It achieves this by helping one understand how the opposites operate in one’s psyche and how to unite them into a third position, which constitutes a new step in the evolution of personality. In my experience, this third position encompasses the qualities of wisdom, love, and truth. This program for the soul and its care is dedicated to the development of the qualities of wisdom, love and truth.

How this program was born

The idea for the Program came after two one-month online group trainings, which were very inspiring both for me and for the participants. The main part of the assignments was born during the first group. It was a very creative and at the same time very exhausting process for me. During the second group, the framework of the Program finally took shape, and I included the additional texts for reading.


After these two groups finished, I knew that I had succeeded in extracting and articulating the essence of a significant part of my professional experience. I saw the connection between emotional and spiritual intelligence in a new light. From where I stood before these two groups, they were two different types of intelligence. However, during the writing of the texts, I realized that these were one and the same thing only with a different level of manifestation. This same thing is the desire that comes from both the empirical Self (ego) and the soul.


The result was a classic training with different assignments and text for reading which deepens the understanding organically, demonstrating how the different elements of the human psyche, such as desires, emotions, thoughts, sensations, behavior and intuition, interact.


I do realize that when you work on these assignments by yourself – without sharing your insights in a group and without my feedback on each assignment as it is in a group process – the experience may be less inspiring. At the same time, I know that the texts are valuable on their own merits, and you can benefit a great deal by practicing them by yourself. I believe that if the reader’s mind resonates with what I have written, and then one commits to the mindfulness practice of the day, at the end of this program one would have inevitably felt its beneficial impact in their life.


This is the exact reason I created the 29 Days Program – my belief that there are other people like the participants in these two groups for whom the care of the soul is the most important thing.

Feedback from participants
The next new moon is after