Please familiarize yourself with the General Terms of Use of the website, regulating its subject of activity, as well as the rights and obligations of the Creator of this Program and its Users.
(1) The subject of the sale is an educational Program consisting of a series of texts with paid access.
(2) The purpose of this Program is to train the person working with it in emotional intelligence skills so that they can achieve higher levels of mental health and success in life.
(3) The product is received online, via electronic means.
(4) This Program always starts on a precisely set date once a month and lasts exactly 29 days.
(5) This date coincides with the day of the New Moon for the corresponding month and, even if the User purchases it earlier than this date, they will have access to the paid part only after the second day of the New Moon, (the first assignment from the Program is freely accessible). On the second day after the New Moon, they will only be able to access the second assignment of the Program. On the third day after the New Moon, they will only get access to the third assignment of the Program, and so on, until the 29th day.
•Access to the Program opens only one assignment per day!
(6) Once the User has finished working with all 29 assignments and readings, free access to the assignments becomes unlimited.
(7) After the User has completed the Program, they also receive free access to My Practice for the Day page, where they can read and practice the assignments in random order.
(8) The User is duly informed of the start date of the Program for each subsequent month – information about this is displayed both on the Home page and on the Subscription page.
(9) The knowledge provided in the Program may significantly contribute to the mental well-being of the User but cannot replace individual work with a psychotherapist. Due to the risk of misinterpretation of the provided knowledge, working with the Program is not recommended for mentally ill persons.
•The Creator of the Program is not responsible for any misinterpretation of the texts in the Program!
(1) Payment is made through a virtual terminal, which is guaranteed with the highest degree of security by DSK Bank and is based on the most innovative and secure technology from the international card organizations MasterCard Worldwide and Visa International.
(2) Types of cards accepted: Visa and Mastercard debit, credit and business cards.
(3) Bank card details are not saved!
(4) The announced prices for the Program are final; they include all taxes and fees.
(5) The price for the Program is BGN 300.
(6) The maximum amount for a transaction is BGN 1,200.
(7) When purchasing the Program, the user receives an email confirming the purchase, as well as providing information on the date when they can start the Program.
(1) The personal information that requires from the User is their first name, last name and email address.
(2) This information is used solely and exclusively for gaining access to the paid part of the Program, namely for creating their personal user profile and identification when logging in.
(3) When the User requests an invoice, additional data needs to be provided – company name, Bulstat, MOL and address. This data is used solely for the issuance of the invoice.
(1) If a person purchases the Program and reconsiders before the second day of the program, i.e. before starting to work with the paid part, they can request a refund. In the event of a refund, the refund is made to the same card/ account which the payment was made from.
(2) After starting their work with the paid part of the Program, regardless of which assignment they have accessed, the User loses their right to a refund of the amount paid for the Program.
(1) In the event that the User had paid for the Program, but did not receive access to the paid part of it, starting from the second day after the New Moon, they should reach out to the specified contacts in the Contacts page to solve the technical problem that prevented them from accessing the Program.
(1) The Program on this site was created by Kamelia Hadzhiyska, psychologist and psychotherapist (Manager of the company Futurist Ltd, EIK 201691074, address: Sofia 1137, Belikata Street 8).
(2) In case of technical problems with the purchase of the Program, a request for a refund or receipt of an invoice for the expenses incurred, the contact details are: phone +359 898 710 030 / email
(3) COPYRIGHT: All texts from this Program, written by Kamelia Hadzhiyska, are subject to copyright and are intended for personal use only.
Any distribution of these texts is absolutely prohibited!